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More Charitable Christmas Greetings!

Which Charity to choose? - Part 2

Hello again,

To continue the story of why we chose the charities to support this Christmas.....

We have both worked for most of our careers in property related companies and, still, those connected to the built environment make up a large proportion of our client list. Shelter is about helping the homeless - those who do not have a property or a home or a building. A tenuous link perhaps, but enough for us to support this wonderful charity who are particularly needed at this time of year and in the coming cold months. (It surely will get cold at some point!).

As for the Samaritans, we are specifically supporting the Samaritans of Waltham Forest. You are probably all aware that the Samaritans provides confidential emotional support for those who are in distress or despair, including those contemplating suicide. What you may not know is that, despite being a well-known national charity, each branch is self-funded and it can be particularly challenging to find the funds to keep branches going in what might be deemed less affluent areas. Ironically, those less affluent areas are often where the greatest need for the Samaritans service exists. Kate is not only the Deputy Director for Volunteer Support at the Waltham Forest branch but also helps with regular fund raising activities. Hence, it seemed only natural for us to donate to this cause too.

Merry Christmas to everyone!